How COVID-19 Has Impacted Services

Keeping Patients Safe- Anyone who feels sick or has symptoms identified by the CDC, such as cough, shortness of breath, or fever, should stay home and contact their primary care physician.
Alternatives to In-Office care
  • Telehealth Appointments
  • Curbside Service while you wait, or drop off and pick-up.
  • Remote programming for certain hearing aids.
  • Mail devices to the office for cleaning or repairs.
  • Purchase supplies curbside.
In office Precautions
  • Face masks covering mouth and nose are required at *all *times inside the office and individuals must social distance.
  • We appreciate getting to know your support system and welcome them back to the office. Those attending the appointment with you must wear a mask and social distance, as well.
  • Paperwork can be mailed to you prior to your exam.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available in the lobby and all treatment rooms.
  • Magazines and children’s materials have been removed from the waiting room, as they are difficult to clean and disinfect.
  • Audiologist may wear machine washable clothing (e.g. scrubs), and may use disposable face masks, face shields, and gowns, when appropriate.
  • Start your journey to better hearing today!

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